Dry point is one of etching kind. The drawing is scrathed in metal plate and then printed with etching press on wett paper. Sausā adata ir viena no oforta tehnikām. Metāla vai cita cieta materiāla plaknē ieskrāpē zīmējumu. Krāsu iesmērē izskrāpētajās līnijās un drukā ar oforta presi. [carousel_slide id=’2441′]
Linocut is one of the graphic art techniques. I love the texture of the prints and relationship between black and white colors. It is like a game, you will never know how it turns out – more white or black. Printmaking is my profession and my passion at the same time. Linogriezums ir viena no grafikas […]
Tribute to latvian rock band Symbolic. They release new album “Mūžam saule debesīs” rooted in latvian folk traditions. Drawings and designs are based on latvian mythology and symbolism. One of the main is the tree of Austra. I love it – Austras koks. It includes meaning of life and unite all – us, our ancestors, […]